Monday, December 04, 2006

Another Beastly Sunday, weather wise

On retiring on Staurday night it was horrificly windy and rainy. Sunday was worse with the rain even heavier.

I could have stayed in bed and called C to call the weekly ride off but NO - I got ready and headed over to his by 9am. N1 and N2 were not available this week. The rain still tipping down we waited until 10 drinking tea and eating the traditional marmite on toast when blue skies suddenly appeared around the NW Kent area.

Our journeys generally consist of ambling around the rural roads south west of Dartford (which are always busy), stopping at the tops of hills for a drink of water before progressing onwards. Yesterday this wa s true with the additional hurdle of negotiating the very flooded country lanes (still busy). Most drivers were quite kind but to all the tw*ts in vans, BMWs and 4 by 4's who revved up to pass us and then drove past us even faster so we got completely drenched, I hope you all rot in hell.

What is it with BMW drivers in the NW Kent area? Are they lacking in the trouser department (the male ones that is)? Do they have something to prove? I see no esteem to owning one of these wretched items - give me an Orange Camper Van any day!

Anyway we did 20 miles which was 15 less than we wanted but under the conditions I say we did pretty well. And all in two hours. I need some mudguards though, my Borats* were wet through and so were my feet. And I need a bike rack as well for the car, this project is costing me more than the GDP of a small country.

Finally I have decided to post more often to this blog as my very loyal Hong Kong correspondent is being ruthless and only plugging other blogs if they post regularly. Blimey there's only so much one can say about cycling so maybe I'll have to introduce other subjects...........

*so called because others believe that my cycling shorts resemble his green outfit - - I don't agree myself but have gone along with this comparison

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