Sunday, January 28, 2007

Weekend Progress

After last week's effort of 44 miles in two days this weekend's total has increased to 58 miles over two days. The aching is disappearing and the process of increasing stamina is getting better. Although I'm not near the 70 miles a day yet I feel this will be manageable by May.

Yesterday was a two hour session with C and resulted in 25 miles in two hours - a significant increase from 10 mph to 12.5mph average. This is better than it sounds as it could save an hour's biking in one day (assuming we will be cycling around 7 hours each day). Today me and both the N's cycled around Maidstone and Tonbridge and covered 33 miles in two and a half hours. I can't work out the average speed for this trip. Lots of super sweet drinks, bananas and oat bars (plus the obligatory Mars bar) got us round. I reckon I could have done a bit more.

Next week a 5o mile trip to Ditchling - some sort of round trip affair. Then no more cycling for two weeks as I am off skiing for a week in Scandinavia. First time ever. For both skiing and Sweden. We have some sort of gathering with the charity and the trip organisers on the 10th Feb but it's at some pub near London Bridge so I think that may turn into some sort of booze up.

I have no photos to show tonight , I intend to load a few this week. I need to make some skiing purchases this week and sort out my holiday wardrobe so the cycling may take a back seat. Just for a little while though.

Listening to: "Alone Again Or" by Love which I heard on BBC6 this morning and hadn't heard for about ten years, cos it's on a cassette and who plays those anymore? So I got straight on to Itunes tonight and downloaded it. Smashing.

Red wine and roast beef tonight and 3 games of cribbage. Smashing day all round!


Spoon said...

I have many things on cassette which I just don't listen to anymore. I should replace them but don't like the idea of buying the same music twice. How sad!

What's cribbage?

random.thoughts said...

it's a bit of an old boys game played with a crib board and pegs and pack of cards. It's alright if you like cards I guess