Friday, November 03, 2006

My lovely new bike is here!

I was going to pick it up at lunchtime from Condor Cycles in Greys Inn Road but events overtook me at lunchtime and I decided to pick it up later. I got fitted for some shoes that clip into the pedals (a bit scary) and bought a tiny pump, some leggings, a little saddle bag (tiny thing which goes under the saddle for your spare inner tube, type leavers and of course mobile phone). And they gave me a nice shoulder bag to carry all my stuff home in. Excellent shop. Heartily recommended.

Lastly I had some lessons on how to clip in and out of the pedals, but I decided to keep my trainers on and headed home as riding in Central London traffic in the Friday night rush hour on a new bike with clip on shoes for the first time was not a good idea.

I thought I could get home along the Thames path but that was a bad idea and I eventually stuck to the main roads through Rotherhithe , Deptford and Greenwich. There are quite a few bus and cycle lanes so the eventual ride home wasn't too bad. I fell off once but not badly and this was away from the main road.

Coming up the hill near home was a breeze in comparison to the same climb on the mountain bike (it bloody well should be better for the price difference!)

I am going to put some photos up of the new beast but I can't find my lead for the digital camera. It always disappears. I must get a wireless digital camera and then this problem won't arise again.

Roll on Sunday, 25 miles! A breeze.

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